finding the right assisted living home for your parents

Becoming A Part Of A New Assisted Living Center

Moving to a new retirement community is like relocating to a different neighborhood. There are new people to meet and a new culture with which to become familiar. Here are a few ways that you can take an active role in becoming a new and vital member in your new neighborhood.  

Seek Out Classes and Group Activities  

Most facilities offer a variety of activities that draw different segments of the community. First, look at those activities which fall into your own interests. You'll meet other people who share your interests. This is a good way to create a new circle of friends with which you can enjoy your favorite pastimes.    

Next, look at classes and activities that are new to you. You may have never taken a cooking class or attended a ballroom dancing event, so this is your opportunity to expand your interests. These activities may draw some of the same people as the other classes, but you'll also meet people that you may not encounter otherwise. These may be one-off activities to which you'll never return or may become your new hobby. In the meantime, you will have met some new and interesting neighbors.  

Volunteer to Teach a Class  

If the facility doesn't hold a class on one of your favorite topics, offer to teach one yourself. This is another way to meet those neighbors with similar interests. It also marks you as an individual who wants to contribute to the community,= and not just an idle participant.  

Become Active in Resident Meetings  

Some retirement centers hold regular meetings with the residents to discuss upcoming changes and concerns that affect the community. Attend these meetings to understand what's on the minds of your neighbors. You'll also learn who the most vocal people are in the community. It will give you the opportunity to see how the administrative staff at the retirement center communicates with the residents.  

Use Your Skills to Contribute to the Neighborhood  

Put the word out that you are available to assist other residents with certain tasks. If you're the handy-man type, offer to hang pictures for them. If you are intimate with the tax laws, offer to help your new neighbors prepare their taxes and save some money. You likely have one or more skills that you can use to benefit the community and meet new people in the process.  

Offer to Be a Mentor to New Residents  

After a few weeks in a new retirement facility, offer to be a mentor to new residents just moving in. You'll likely uncover new information about the community as you help others find their niche. You'll also be one of the first to meet the new people and gain the opportunity to add to your own circle of friends.

For more information, check it out how it works at different facilities. 
