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New Memory Loss Residences Focus On Therapeutic Model Of Goal-Oriented Programs

America faces a growing and aging population explosion. Many of them already suffer from memory problems. Ideally, most family members try to do the best they can to help their elderly parents and other relatives who suffer from severe Alzheimer's and dementia diseases. However, memory loss can be devastating for older persons as they become so confused.  Family caregivers cannot always give full attention to their needs while taking care of their immediate family responsibilities. Exclusively designed memory loss residences with stimulating goal-oriented programs to answer the needs of memory loss citizens are on the rise.

Therapeutic Model Of Goal-Oriented Programs

While memory care facilities of the past mostly provided a leisure model of socializing and enjoyment programs for in-house residents, newer programs now embrace a therapeutic treatment model. This model focuses on goal expectations to be realized from a wide range of programs. Patients are measured and tracked on whether their level of care has improved.

While dementia and Alzheimer's so far cannot be cured, Goal-oriented programs help memory loss patients to comfortably adjust with catered programs. It is an innovative method of helping dementia patients to function at the highest possible level. Residents are expected to maintain that level for as long as possible. With that goal in mind, even buildings are designed and built that are helpful to residents.

The old adage that says familiarity breeds content applies in the new approach of catered programs. Memory loss residents are known to wander off and sometimes getting lost. With color-coded walls and buildings, recognition of their surroundings becomes easier for them over time. It's also less stressful for the specialists who are responsible for their care and must be aware of their whereabouts at all times. When these goals are achieved, family members will be take comfort about their memory loss patients living in these facilities.

Predictions For Growing Number Of Future Seniors Diagnosed With Alzheimer's Disease

This road to a newer memory loss programs approach that is goal-oriented could not have come at a better time. Current expectations for seniors, as a demographic group, who are over 65 will double by 2050 to more than 89 million, according to statistics provided by the U.S. Census Bureau, according to a website article. That same article predicted that the number of seniors diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease would rise from 5.1 million in 2010 to an estimated 13.5 million in 2050.

Facilities with goal-oriented programs will be helping those seniors who must live in their facilities, and that's a good thing. Future family members can rest assured that forward-thinking programs will be already in place for their loved ones who will need this type of residential facility care. Read more about memory care facilities here. 
